Cambodia Flag: Everything about National Flag of the kingdom of Cambodia, history, meanings & temple & colors

Cambodia Flag in present day representing the national identity of the kingdom of Cambodia – the current flag was first introduced in 1993, after elections returned the monarchy to rule the kingdom.

The design of the flag of Cambodia has existed since around 1850, and since then, remained unchanged with the blue border and red center along with a depiction of temples of Angkor Wat in the center.

However, it was during the rise of the Khmer Rouge that the current flag was remodeled for four years to all red flag, with Angkor temples retain the design.

The color combination on the flag of the kingdom of Cambodia represents blue color (2 stripes: at the bottom and top of the flag) symbolizes the royal family, red represents the Khmer, and white for the Buddhism religion. And finally, the Angkor Wat temple, depicted in the center of the flag. Nowadays, the flag design is depicted on tickets, t-shirts and tourism products. Book Best Price Cambodia Tours & Trips

cambodia flag

History behind the Cambodian flag

Since approximately 1850, the flag of Cambodia has prominently featured Angkor Wat at its center. The current flag, distinguished by its blue border and a red central section, was officially adopted after Cambodia gained independence in 1948.

Furthermore, the current flag remained in use until October 9, 1970, when it was replaced with a new design during Lon Nol’s Khmer Republic.

This change persisted until the Khmer Rouge assumed power in 1975. During the subsequent period of Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979, a red flag incorporating a three-towered Angkor Wat motif in yellow was utilized.

However, following the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, the People’s Republic of Kampuchea was established in 1979.

Moreover, Kampuchean National United Front of National Salvation, later resurrected the flag used by the Khmer Issarak during the anti-French resistance era to symbolize the new state. This flag retained the color scheme of the Democratic Kampuchea flag but featured a yellow silhouette of Angkor Wat with five towers.

In addition, back in 1989, when the People’s Republic of Kampuchea, rebranded itself as the “State of Cambodia”, the lower half of the flag was pointed to blue color.

In 1993, Cambodia reinstated the 1948 Cambodian flag design. Notably, alongside Afghanistan, the Cambodian flag is unique worldwide for prominently featuring a historic building in its design. The flag’s colors, red and blue, hold deep traditional significance in Cambodian culture and history.

Changes on Cambodia flag since 1948

Since its establishment in 1948, the current Cambodia Flag has remained unchanged to this day, despite the country adopting five other flag designs since then.

Nearly all of these designs included some representation of the iconic Angkor Wat temple. Built originally in the 12th century during the reign of the Mahidharapura monarchs, Angkor Wat boasts five towers, though stylized versions on flags did not always depict all of them.

After the monarchy was restored in September 1993, Cambodia reverted to the 1948 flag, which was readopted in June of that year.

Color definition on the Cambodia Flag

Cambodian flag represent the three stripes which covered by two blue color and the red in the middle of the flag. The red stripe is obviously wider than the blue color that is also centered by the symbol of the nation, the great Angkor Wat – the country’s proud symbol.

It is interesting to know that Cambodian flag in 2025 is one of four national flags in the world that consist the image of an old structure, the other flags are belong to San Marino, Portugal and Spain, although Cambodia is by far the most historic one.

Blue color on the flag of Cambodia

Blue color that is on both top and the bottom of the Cambodia flag inspired by the blue façade from the sky representing union of the nation with cooperation, respect and freedom in one circle, furthermore, blue color depicted in the Cambodian flag is the symbol of monarchy and the kingdom.

Angkor Wat is a proud symbol in the middle of the flag

Angkor Wat is a proud and identity of the Khmer nation – as the symbol of Cambodia, it has been appeared on the national flag pretty much since the beginning.

Red & White color in the middle of the flag of Cambodia

Red color in the middle of the Cambodia flag represent the blood of the people whom fight for the independent and freedom of Cambodia during the history. Red color in addition, also showcase the bravery of the nation in peace and harmony.

White color in the flag has been covered pattern of Angkor in the middle of the Cambodian flag representing the religion and purity of Buddhism culture. In addition, the Angkor is related to the soul and heritage of the Cambodia and it is engaged with the Cambodian legacy.

Historic images of Cambodia flag from the very beginning

The current national flag of Cambodia has gone under the significant changes during the time and what we see today as the official Cambodian flag has been released officially since 1993 and since the monarchy was restored.

Furthermore, the national flag today, is the official flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia (the official name of the country) or the Royal Khmer Flag, which, was initially presented and introduced in 1948 and was kept in place until the coup of Lon Nol in 1970.

Following are the different images of the flag from the very beginning with source to Flag Of cambodia in Wikipedia

kingdom of khmer

Cambodian National Flag until 1863

flaga Kambodży - French protectorate from 1863 to 1948

Official flag from 1863 to 1948

short-lived Cambodian Pro-Tokyo Japanese puppet state established under the occupation of kingdom

Cambodian Pro-Tokyo puppet state flag

Official flag of the French Protectorate of Cambodia (1948–1953)and then again from 1953–1970

1948–1970, 1993–present

Flag of the Khmer Republic from 1970–1975

Flag of the Khmer Republic 1970 -75

Democratic Kampuchea flag from 1975–1979

Flag of Democratic Kampuchea 1975-79

Photo of Flag of the People's Republic of Kampuchea from 1979–1989

Flag of the People’s Republic of Kampuchea 1979–89

what was the Flag of the State of Cambodia from 1989 to 1991?

Flag of the State of Cambodia 1989-1991

Flag of Cambodia by UN from 1992- 93

Flag of Cambodia by UN, 1992- 93

Current official flag of cambodia since 1993

Current flag since 1993

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